Magazine Wireframe Feedback

     In today's class, I was provided with feedback on my magazine wireframe. To my surprise, most of the feedback was positive and kept minimal. Mr. Nelson suggested I incorporate similar graphical elements on my cover in my inside pages. For instance, on the cover page I included a border on the upper-right corner. He proposed I remove the vertical bar on page 1 and replace it with another corner border. However, I liked that concept of my magazine and therefore, decided to include that border on the lower right corner of page 2. Additionally, I previously placed a caption for my image on page 1 on that vertical bar. However, I have decided to completely remove that caption and implement the caption style on page 2. As a result, page 1 will feature yet another graphical element, while page 2 loses one. Concludingly, page 2 will not be as crowded with text. 
