Final Task: In-Class Brainstorming

     After today's lesson on codes and conventions, the magazine and film task group had the opportunity to communicate with their members and brainstorm topic ideas. Admittedly, I had not decided on a topic yet. However, after my group members and I exchanged ideas and conversed with one another, my options had expanded. I chose topics that appealed to me immensely and that I felt more comfortable and passionate writing about. These topics include:

  • Racism/ racial injustice- The difference of actions done to terminate the Black Lives Matter protests and the recent Capitol Hill Riot.
    • This is an ongoing problem within society today. Opinions are formed everyday and new outlets cover occurrences within this community. Therefore, researching and gaining knowledge on this topic will not be difficult. However, this topic is covered so often that you would have to be living under a rock to have not heard information on the rivalry between Black Lives Matter protestors and Trump Supporters.
  • The toxicity of social media apps such as Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok.
    • This topic is immensely broad. Subjects for this topic include toxic masculinity, cancel culture, body dysmorphia, etc. On this topic, I would express opinions on how social media has affected our generation and weakened our power.
  • Mental illnesses and diseases and how they affect a family.
    • This topic I feel most strongly for. I have family members that deal with this constant struggle. Furthermore, I will be able to utilize my own pictures in this task as I personally understand the difficulties of attending to someone that deals with these conditions. Additionally, considering the fact that I have a first hand account on this topic, I could benefit from basing my magazine off of this.
  • The toxicity of school- The stress of an education and an ongoing pandemic. 
    • I have previously written about this topic in 8th grade so I am already rather comfortable with the information regarding this topic.
  • Conspiracy theories
    • This topic I feel interests me the most. There are multiple subjects concerning conspiracy theories, the Mandela Effect being one of them. However, this topic appears too risky to base my project off of since certain theories, ideas, and opinions are rather controversial. But, I would have to admit that a topic like this is really entertaining to both the creator, and the audience viewing it. Furthermore, there are several media-related conspiracies. 
After having a few conversations with my parents and my friends, I have concluded that the two best options are Mental illnesses and Conspiracy theories. Both of these topics interest me immensely and the thought of beginning my task already excites me. However, both topics have their pros and cons.

Mental illnesses:
Pros- First hand account, experience, can utilize many pictures of my own
Cons- Doesn't necessarily excite me as a topic, not very media-related

Conspiracy theories;
Pros- Exciting, media-related, interesting
Cons- Would find it difficult to utilize pictures, too controversial

Conclusion: I am finding it very difficult to decide on either topic but fortunately, I was able to limit my choices. I believe it would be much simpler to take on a topic that I can benefit from, rather than choose a topic solely for the purpose of it being entertaining. Therefore, I have concluded for my topic to be on mental illnesses and diseases and how they affect a family. I would research information on this topic and transform it into something media-related, as that is what my topic should revolve around. Possibly, I could research how communitive a family becomes with one another once a member has been diagnosed with a mental condition. Since media is a form of mass communication used to deliver information from one source to another, statistics, tables, and graphs would be beneficial to utilize in my magazine.

The image below is a picture of my brainstormed ideas during class.
