Put yourself in a room with your family, your cousins, your friends, or just a random selection of people, and it is self-evident that someone in that room is bound to have varying opinions, beliefs, and ideas than you. Social construction is a theory that justifies the differing perspectives amongst a group of people. In reference to the article “Approaching Media Texts”, “Even the most close-textured analysis of a single text needs to consider how typical that text is, and how else its users might engage with it.” In other words, media is never limited to a specific group of people. No person is prohibited from engaging with media, and therefore, creators must expect bias, criticism, and drastic perspectives/opinions. They should consider the diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and social classes of their audiences to prevent their message from going unnoticed. In other circumstances, the message being conveyed by the creator could be corrupted throughout the process and establish unintentional problems within the audience. Social construction relates to media studies because the diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and social classes of an audience may cause them to wrongly analyze and interpret a form of media. For example, one who is pro-life (against abortion) might view the movie Juno differently than someone who is pro-choice. In conclusion, social construction is a theory that justifies the differing perspectives amongst a group of people. Social construction relates to media studies because it encourages someone who studies media to consider how their audience might analyze and interpret their work.
The image below displays a conversation between me and my friend as we express our opinions on who our least favorite superhero is. It is important to understand that people with varying backgrounds, characteristics, and social classes will interpret someone or something differently than you would. As a result, a creator of a certain media—an author or a director—must expect their ideas to be analyzed and interpreted in several ways. Furthermore, one must respect these opinions, beliefs, and ideas,
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